Q: The library reference tells me that DJGPP programs can use up to
255 file handles, but my program can only use much less, about
Q: I put a FILES=60
directive in my CONFIG.SYS
, but my
programs cannot use more than 42 when they run on Windows. Why is
A: It's no wonder you are confused: this is one of the most complicated issues related to the DOS filesystem. I cannot discuss all the details here17, but I will try to explain at least those aspects which directly affect a typical DJGPP user.
It is true that the DJGPP library lets you open up to 255 handles--but only if the operating system allows it. The operating system further limits this number, depending on several factors.
First, if you create new handles by calling the dup
function (or the underlying function 45h of the DOS Interrupt 21h), you
can always have up to 255 such handles (minus the 5 that are open by the
system before the program starts), even if the FILES=
sets a much smaller count. All such handles refer to the same file or
device and moving the file pointer using one handle moves all the rest
of them.
In nested programs (that is, programs that were invoked by other
programs), this is a bit more complicated. By default, any handle that
is open in the parent program is inherited by the child, unless
the parent sets the special O_NOINHERIT
bit when it opens the
file. Thus, if the parent had 10 files open when it invoked the child,
the child program will have 10 less available handles--245--to work
with, even if it only calls dup
directive comes into play when you call open
any of its brethren to create handles. Unlike the handles created by
, open
(and the underlying functions 3Dh or 6Ch of
Interrupt 21h) create handles that are independent of each other,
even if you open the same file over and over again. The operating
system will not let you create more such handles than the limit set by
the FILES=
directive. This is because the FILES=
directive sets the number of entries in the SFT, the System File
Table maintained by DOS, where all the information about every open
file is kept19. So, if your
specifies FILES=60
, you cannot open
than 60 files. After that, a call to open
will fail with
(Too many open files in system).
In practice, you won't even be able to get 60 handles if you have
in your CONFIG.SYS
, since several handles are
always preconnected. On plain DOS, 5 handles are already open when a
program starts. These correspond to standard input, standard output,
and standard error streams, and the other 2 handles are connected to the
AUX and PRN devices. So, if you have FILES=60
, DOS will only let
you open up to 55 independent handles. (If your program doesn't need
some of the 5 standard handles, you can close them and gain some more
handles to play with.)
The plot thickens even more if you run DJGPP programs on Windows. Since
Windows itself uses up 10-15 handles in the System Virtual Machine (VM),
it tries to make it up for the DOS programs by adding private file
tables to each DOS box with additional handles, beyond those maintained
in the system-wide SFT. The default is to add a private table with 10
handles to each DOS box, but the PerVMFiles=
entry in the
section of the SYSTEM.INI
file can override that.
So on Windows, you need to consider the PerVMFiles=
setting as
well, and the resulting limit on open handles is less predictable since
the number of handles used by Windows isn't constant (for example, it
depends on how many fonts are loaded by Windows programs at any given
If you run DJGPP on Windows 3.X, and your system loads SHARE.EXE
during bootstrap, things become even more complicated. SHARE.EXE
prevents Windows from adding private file tables (because it couldn't
spy on files open via those private handles), so you get 10-15 less
handles than what the FILES=
directive says, and sometimes even
less than that. That is how somebody who has FILES=60
on their
could only get 42 handles on Windows. If you are
looking for reasons not to load SHARE.EXE
, here you have another